Are you sick of being out of shape and sluggish... but are STILL too busy and tired to do anything about it?
Do you dream of getting in tiptop shape… and finally feel comfortable and confident again in your own skin?
What if it was possible to look (and feel) like a completely new man, with the physique and physical drive to match?
Discover The Fool-Proof “Busy Man’s” Method For Getting Ripped, Productive, And Healthier Than Ever - Especially If You’re A Middle-Aged Man…
And You’ll Make It Happen Without Pushing Yourself, Without Wasting Time, and Without Following Lame Fitness Fads 
You Can Turn Back The Clock, Get Fitter And Leaner, And Shoot Your Physical Drive Through The Roof, Even If You’re Stuck With The World’s Busiest Schedule…
Read On To See How It’s Done
Dear friend,

Let me ask you something…
  • How is it possible for men over 40 to transform into healthier, stronger, and more physically attractive versions of themselves?
  • ​How could you boost your testosterone levels, and boost your athletic performance at the same time… even if you haven’t worked out in YEARS?
  • ​How in the world could you stay motivated, confident, or energized... even if you’re middle-aged, overweight, and with an insanely busy schedule?
If your answer to these questions is, “nope, it’s not possible!”
Hold That Thought!
If you’re feeling hesitant or skeptical about what I just said right now, then I don’t blame you one bit.


Because I was just as skeptical as you were at one point… 

In fact… 

After ballooning up to well over 245 lbs, with low testosterone, and developing "moobs" while huffing and puffing up any flight of stairs… 

I thought I was the LAST person who could ever be helped. 
At one point, I almost gave up on myself altogether.

I nearly surrendered to the fact that my best days were behind me…

And I was no longer attractive to anyone…

And I could never get back that masculine energy and athletic drive I once had in my prime.

But I’ll explain more of that in a second…

So just stick with me, because I’ll guarantee that what you’re about to read on this page could change your life forever.
First… You’re probably wondering:
“WHO Are You, and WHY Should I Listen to You?”
My name is Dwight Hunnicutt.

And after years of neglecting health, diet and exercise due to a hectic lifestyle and lack of motivation…

My desperation soon turned into a game changing discovery of a simple, yet super effective method that anyone can use to live a healthier, happier life…

With customizable choices they can make on their own time…

While making tiny little “lifestyle” tweaks that quickly snowball into exponential results.

And I’ll give that exact protocol to you in a moment.

See, I’ve never been one to tell “inspirational stories”…

But my story is living proof that if you want to lose weight and live healthy at age 40 and beyond, it’s possible. 
  • I don’t care if you’re busy.
  • ​I don’t care if you’re 10 pounds overweight… or 100 pounds overweight.
  • ​I don’t care if you hate cardio.
  • ​I don’t care if you are unwilling to give up the tastiest foods you love most. (hint: you won’t have to)
(In fact, I’ll bet that, at one point, I was worse off than anyone you know anyway. More on that in a sec)
See, growing up, I was in great shape.

I loved being active, and my metabolism was fairly high…

Yet I had a feeling my sweet tooth would be the death of me some day.

What once started as eating “just one Fig Newton”...

What started out as “Just one snack or cookie”...

Turned into me devouring entire plastic sleeves of these cookies in one sitting...

And I did it over and over…

But that was just the start.

I repeated these terrible habits with fatty foods, sugary snacks, and fried foods…

And the worst part is, I always told myself “that it was OK.”
And Letting Myself Think It Was “OK”
Was Probably The Worst Thing I EVER Did…
Have you ever done that to yourself before?

How often have you told yourself you “should” do something that was very important…

How often have you told yourself you were finally going to do what you need to do when it comes to your health and fitness…

... but you told yourself that it was ok to keep putting it off?

Most men do that.

And it’s one of the reasons most men become overweight, sluggish, or disinterested sex.
It’s a BIG reason most men become “below average.”

For YEARS, I always told myself “I’ll worry about my health later. It’s no big deal.”

As a result, I fattened up when I was in college.

I told myself things would change “once I graduated.”

And after I graduated college, I was physically unmotivated…

And I was in worse shape than I’d been my entire life.

But it didn’t stop there…

Because I kept putting off my biggest commitments to my health anyway.

Because I always told myself I was busy, and it wasn’t worth the hassle right now…
Next thing you know:
  • I kept packing on the pounds, and I was also newly married at the same time.
  • I made a habit of overeating when we had potlucks at the office.
  • People brought in boxes of donuts laying around and other snacks at work, and I had a hard time saying no.
  • ​When I was traveling with my family or with coworkers, we would always go out to eat somewhere.
  • ​If there was a buffet at the restaurant or the hotel, I’d always find plenty to fill my plate a second or third time.
  • ​At home, my new wife would cook me meals that I greatly enjoyed. 
  • ​I didn’t have time to work out.
  • Not enough time to cook healthy!
  • And the worst part… I always told myself that “it was OK, and I’d still get around to it someday!” 
Me on my wedding day Vs. a few years of "good" eating.
By the time of our fourth wedding anniversary, I had already gained 90 more pounds…

When I stepped on the scale, I was EASILY heading close to 300lbs...
And Things Only Got WORSE From There…
  • I went from a size 32 waist to a size 42.
  • I literally ignored the fact that I was becoming obese.
  • Everybody told me I was STILL putting my own health at risk… but I ignored it.
  • ​I was huffing and puffing, even after short walks.
  • But the real wake-up call was when I noticed something. I was growing a serious case of “Moobs” next thing you know, I saw myself becoming the butt of many relentless jokes.
Soon enough, I noticed a LOT of my men friends had these same issues too…

Same with their friends’ friends, family members, and coworkers.

BUT here’s the thing about that...
These Are Dangerous Warning Signs When it Comes to Men’s Health…
And Just Because it’s “Common” Does NOT Mean it’s OK

After explaining my struggles and woes with my men friends, my coworkers, and their friends too…

I discovered that we were ALL dealing with similar issues!
At one point…

I knew that “living a nice life” would NEVER be fully possible for me unless I could regain the health, physique, energy, and masculine confidence I YEARNED to have back in my life…

Yet, deep down, I told myself that all this stuff would never be possible.

(And deep down, YOU know you feel the same way too!)
I Finally Made A Game Changing Discovery
That Propelled Everything Forward…
Most men just like you are dealing with an epidemic called “Gynecomastia.”

And this is a serious cause for alarm.

Gynecomastia becomes a chronic issue when you’re neglecting to get enough exercise…

When you’re giving into a poor diet...

As you're heading towards obesity…

When you’re experiencing sluggishness and mood swings...

Because, while that’s happening…

You’re also compromising your testosterone production, your sexual functioning, and more.

I realized that’s EXACTLY what I was dealing with…

And there was no way I’d let anything get any worse!

So I began to exercise obsessively with lifting weights…

Cardio, cross-country ski machines…

And I made some progress, but it was NOWHERE near “good enough.”

So I spent months of testing and tweaking systems and routines the world’s top athletic specialists and health experts used when it came to goal setting, and staying on track...

Because, like most men, I’ve always wrestled with the issue of motivating myself and staying on track.

After losing 45 pounds, I discovered how a “reward system” that keeps us motivated so we can exponentially boost results…

But it still wasn’t enough.

That’s when I realized that better structures, plans, and routines became more critical than ever…

But none of that wasn’t enough either!

No matter what kinds of health, diet, and exercise programs and advice I bought into…


And there was something else missing… but I wasn’t sure what…
Next Thing You Know, I Gained Nearly ALL
The Weight Back That I lost… And Then Some!
Knowing that I was going down the wrong path again was a warning signal that it was time to stop messing around and instead eliminate anything that did NOT work.

Soon enough…

I was spending all my free time dissecting online courses, fitness DVDs, and trying out any exercise equipment I could afford...

And eventually, it all started to click.

I began achieving ALL the breakthroughs I finally needed.  

(I’ll share them with you a sec.)

By using this system I’m going to share with you here…

I broke all my plateaus, shed the fat around my waist, while building lean muscle at a rapid pace…

I lost all the weight I gained faster than I realized.

And I quickly realized it wasn’t all about “diet and exercise.”

And guess what…

This simple, easy-to-follow, but powerful “protocol” worked perfectly for my sedentary “9-5” lifestyle.

And it’s potent enough to create baffling results for even a 50+ year old, overweight, and overworked crazy busy Dad.
"After hearing that COVID severely affected obese people I finally decide that I needed to lose weight, six months later I'm down some pounds but still significantly overweight. After reading this guide I am planning to add working out to my plan to be less fat. But there is more to this guide than working out, the author also gives a lot more detail about how to live a healthy lifestyle including proper diet. 

When it comes to working out, I'll tell you this guy loves kettlebells, like if he hadn't said he was married and had kids, I'd think he'd want to marry the kettlebells, he just can't stop talking about how great they are. 

I guess I'm about to find out if I love them that much too."

- John F., San Jose, CA
"Dwight offers a sustainable, affordable, an uncomplicated method that anyone man can use to lose weight and gain muscle mass. He also includes bonus information on losing weight and men’s health tips, I highly recommend it.”

- R. Bruce, Modesto, CA

People began to take notice of my rapid and lasting transformation…

They became envious, curious, and even motivated by how much progress I’d made in such a short time!

And after receiving countless requests from friends, neighbors, and coworkers who wanted this same exact system for themselves…

THAT was when I knew it was finally ready to be released to the public…
Revitalized Man
The Revitalized Man is a game changing, drop-dead simple “busy man’s protocol” that will show you how to naturally boost testosterone levels, energy levels, and your physical drive... while you shed body fat at a startlingly fast pace.
So you may be wondering… 
“Who Exactly Is This Method Made for?”
It’s specially designed for men who are just too busy to truck over to the gym and are sick of following ‘trends’ that just don’t work.

It’s made for guys like you and I that are exhausted all the time from putting in all those hours at the office, are bogged down with chores around the house, while being busy in our “down time” with the kids. (you know, the kids that seem to have unlimited energy.)

With Revitalized Man…
  • You can skip those years where you have to “wake up at the crack of dawn” just to waste all of your time and money at the gym.
  • You can get in shape on your own schedule because a true health-oriented lifestyle works around your schedule, not the other way around.
  • You’ll be able to offset hours at your desk in a fraction of the time, strengthening your entire body while drastically reducing your chances of injuries as you age.
  • ​You’ll have more energy to be more valuable at the office, more productive around the house and completely able to keep up with your kids… without losing your breath!
But Don’t Take My Word For It…
As a 68-year-old man I had pretty much given up on trying to remain being physically fit. It seemed like too much effort to watch my diet and maintain an exercise regimen. Dwight’s book, Revitalized Man, however has inspired me to give it another try. The simplicity of the kettlebell workout is simple and short. Just the way I like it. I highly recommend this program if you, like me, had given up on physical fitness.

- Jim B., Vista, CA

As an eyewitness to the author of this book, I can certainly trust and verify the dedication and discipline of Dwight’s commitment to losing the heavy weight that once surrounded his body. The results are transformational, and the evidence is in attitude; “I feel so much better.” Sadly, we cannot all say that, but in this case, there is trust that has been verified from Dwight's weight loss, and now he is a healthy-weight champion.

- Steve T., CA
Here's just a small sample of
what you’ll get from Revitalized Man
  • Condition your body like never before in a fraction of the time that you would have to spend at the gym so you can get ripped fast, get your kids to school, and still get to the office on time so you can crush it at work.
  • ​Put a hard stop to that age-related muscle loss your friends are going through, and turn back the clock on aging... so you can look and feel as good as you did when you were in your twenties, and have your buddies asking you for your age-crushing secrets.
  • ​Never have to deal with trucking over to the gym ever again so you can save boat loads of time while getting dramatically better results in the process.
  • Wake up every morning full of energy and motivation so you can consistently get more done at home and in the office - hey, this might be the first step towards that big promotion you’ve been dreaming about too!
  • ​Build your own custom workout plan that you can use wherever you want, whenever you have the time... so you can shed pounds and get ripped on your own schedule... and get to prioritize the things you love, like your friends and family too.
  • Incorporate healthy doses of cardio into your fast and easy workout regimen - shedding pounds of fat while adding lean muscle so you can get in tip-top shape and live your life on your own terms... without ever having to worry about the embarrassment of running out of breath during regular activities.
  • Boost your natural testosterone levels so you can get back the physical drive you had twenty years ago... (your wife will thank you)
  • ​Gain back the much-needed self confidence that’s holding you back so you can take back your manhood, crush it in the office and reclaim your title as world’s #1 dad.
  • Significantly improve your grip strength to the point that you’ll have to hold back so you don’t hurt your bosses hand! Your friends might get intimidated by you after a few weeks of this new athletic training workout routine.
  • ​Strengthen your back, boost athleticism, and improve your posture so you can age gracefully... without being that ‘old man stereotype’ you see on TV… while you’ll instantly look more attractive too. You can undo A LOT of the strain you put on your back and neck from sitting at your desk all day… and it’s easier than you think to boost athletic performance too. (plus, an improved posture makes ANY man more attractive too.)
  • Improve your core strength so you can get a rock hard stomach, lose the love handles, and be able to run circles around guys half your age.
  • Alleviate all that stress and joint pressure that traditional workout routines inevitably bring (even with proper form!)... so you can get leaner, with more enjoyable fitness routines, while getting to age without all of that unnecessary pain and stiffness!
  • Enjoy complete, QUICK, full body workouts that never get boring... without having to leave your home. Best of all, the simple equipment you’ll get to use is compact, takes up little-to-no space and is portable enough to accommodate the lifestyle of your choosing... so you can finally have complete control, even with the most hectic schedules.
  • Drastically reduce muscle tension while increasing your range of motion, so you can prevent unnecessary injuries and feel more relaxed and comfortable with your body.
  • Stop looking at yourself in the mirror wondering “where things went wrong”... and become the confident role model your kids or coworkers will look up to, and live your life like the alpha male you secretly are.
  • Promote better blood circulation and breathing, which will improve heart, lung and muscle function so you can live long enough to see your grandchildren graduate college.
As A Guy Who’s Been There And Done That…
I Can Say With 100% Confidence That Men Over 40 Can Lose Weight And Keep It Off (I’m Living Proof Of That!)
And guess what…

I'm not one to spout a bunch of baloney.

I’ll put my money where my mouth is too, and give you an extra bonus “incentive” right now just to PROVE how much belief I truly have in this simple yet powerful system…
Purchase Revitalized Man For Accelerated Weight Loss After Forty now,
and get lifetime access to the Healthy Start At Forty system for...
Lasting Lower Back Health! 
Imagine waking up without back pain after years of misery!
Get rid of that ‘old man back pain’ for good!

You'll receive access to this proven lower back health system straight to your inbox, with unlimited possibilities to custom tailor your own testosterone-boosting workout routine right out of the box.

Better yet: you’ll reclaim your confidence, physical drive and manhood without missing a beat at home... without becoming drained at the office... while you’re also becoming the healthiest most “alpha male” version of you.

As I said, if you're unhappy for any reason after putting this full system to use, let me know within 60 days and I'll refund every penny you spent. No hassles, no hard feelings.
And To Sweeten The Deal...
If you purchase Revitalized Man For Accelerated Weight Loss After Forty now,
you will also get lifetime access to my other proven systems...
The NEAT Method
Feeling stuck? The NEAT Method reveals exactly why pounds aren’t dropping off like you expected, and how to “reset” your metabolism to get them dropping off again in just 160 seconds per day!
Never Skip A Workout
If you struggle with motivation and a lack of time, this tool will equip you (like it did me!) to never, ever skip a scheduled workout – no matter what is going on in your life.
Fitness Planner
This is a KEY tool for your healthy start toolbox. This daily planner keeps you accountable and on track to a powerful healthy start, dropping off the pounds and kickstarting your fitness as fast as possible.
Now I know what you’re thinking…

“How will this fix my problems?”


This protocol outlines the common mistakes most people make in detail so you can avoid them altogether.

And no, this book isn’t your magic body fat eraser.

You have to put the work in, but it’s not that hard - Revitalized Man will give you a clear path so you can do it on your own time… while making it easier to commit to, without making all the unnecessary mistakes on the way.


The “health gurus” you see on TV. On social media. In magazines…

Guess what, the health industry is becoming a $100,000,000,000 industry in the United States for a REASON...

These snakes don’t want you to lose weight or see lasting progress, because then they’re out a customer.

And they want customers to buy their snake oil over and over again.


I’m not in it for the money.

If I was, I would charge 10x the amount of I’m asking here… because it’s worth even more than that.

I did it because it was something men like you and I NEED…

That’s why I stuffed years worth of information in a single book while these other “lame fitness guys” are finding creative ways to keep you on that never-ending hamster wheel.

  • If you’re sick of running out of breath...
  • ​If you’re sick of having a chest like your wife’s...
  • ​If you’re sick of not doing anything about it anymore... 
Then this can change your life.
“This is a great resource for anyone looking to improve their strength and and overall fitness without the time and financial investments required by so many other approaches. Definitely worth the read!”

- David P., Calgary, Alberta
“An inspiring, practical story that shows how even us old guys can get in shape! Dwight has sifted through the mountain of fitness information to give practical, personal steps.  A ton of solid data – on everything from exercises and equipment to hydration, supplements, foods, testosterone issues and even sleep – 
written like he is talking to you.”

- Eric. H, Slovenia
I created Revitalized Man for guys like us... 

Because turning your life around after 40 takes way more than “just hard work.”

Even the few that succeed “on their own” end up making countless of mistakes and excuses that lead back to a “relapse” where they’re gaining weight again, and getting lazier too...

And these are setbacks that easily add YEARS before may finally hit their goals!

See… I’ve failed so many times before I was able to put everything together.

So I’ve been there already.

But it wasn’t for nothing...

Because I made those mistakes, so you don’t have to deal with it anymore.

That’s why Revitalized Man isn’t just “another protocol” or book.

It’s your ‘golden ticket’ to bypassing all those gut wrenching, time-wasting mistakes so you can be the man that takes control of your home, career and future without having to overhaul the lifestyle you want.
Just imagine yourself a few weeks from now…
Feeling like a new man…

Being pounds lighter with reserves of energy, confidence, and a physical drive shooting through the roof...

Finally cracking that code to turning back the clock in your life…

All with a clear, step-by-step guide that will get you there faster and easier than you thought.

Revitalized Man has the tools and knowledge you’ll need to make smarter, more productive choices every day... that will have you fully charged with testosterone and energy so you can shed pounds of fat while adding lean muscle.


Just imagine getting these results fast, easy and pain-free without wasting all your time and money at the gym, or on gimmicky fads.

Like I said:

I’m living proof that it’s 100% possible to get in the best shape of your life after 40... and thanks to Revitalized Man, it’s so much easier than ever before…
So what’re you waiting for?
Only $27 USD - One Time!
You know how confident I am that you’ll see real results?

I’m so confident that you have 60 days to try my fool-proof method and if for any reason you decide it’s not working out, I’ll gladly refund you if you let me know.

No questions asked.

That’s right, you risk nothing.
One Last Thing…
I’m Taking All The Risk Off Of Your Shoulders
When You Purchase Revitalized Man Today
Let me give you the manhood-reclaiming toolkit you’ve needed for years, but never found… until now. 

These are the workout regimens, diet plans and injury prevention techniques that guys like us would pay hundreds, if not THOUSANDS for...

And you get them all for pennies on the dollar.

Plus, you'll be able to mix and match these plans to build the perfect routine that fits your schedule like a glove.

So do yourself a huge favor by taking control of your health and life…

And put this fool-proof system to use for you today.

Get instant access, and feel more confident right out of the box.

Start getting super fit from the comfort of your own home in minutes...

If for some reason, you don’t think it’s worth the $27, just let me know.

No hard feelings, I’ll still wish you luck in getting in shape either way because nobody should have to feel like a shell of their former self.
...the Revitalized Man is a game changing, drop-dead simple “busy man’s protocol” that will show you how to naturally boost your testosterone levels, energy levels, and your physique... while you shed body fat at a startlingly fast pace.
Just $27 USD - One Time!
Supporting Your Quest to Regain Your Health & Manhood
 - Dwight Hunnicutt
Living Proof That Guys Over 40 Can Do It
Fitness Coach
Diet Enthusiast
Testosterone Specialist
Regular Dad

P.S. The path to a healthier, happier you starts within your own mind…

I’ll guide you by the hand today, and give you each tiny “puzzle piece” you’ll need to un-do those old unhealthy habits -- and develop helpful and empowering patterns instead:
  • Pinpoint the exact mistakes you’ve made with your past weight loss efforts and pick up where you left off with the knowledge needed to finish the job this time
  • Feel like the revitalized man you are inside with an added boost of confidence that can help you perform anywhere from the office to the bedroom
  • ​Unlock the proven methods for increasing natural testosterone development, energy levels and fitness results
  • Break free from the ‘hamster wheel’ that most people experience... and cut through all the junk to get fit faster than you ever thought possible
  • ​And much, much more
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